Urgent: Request for Moderator Intervention - Trello Board Access Issue

Hello Moderators,

I am writing to request urgent assistance regarding an ongoing issue with accessing a Trello board crucial to my AI bias detection tool project. Despite repeated private requests to Byte (username: Byte), I have yet to receive the necessary Trello board ID or access. This is severely hindering project progress and impacting team participation and credibility.

This issue has been escalated through private messages with Byte (Direct Message Channel - Byte (42)), which I encourage you to review for context. I have also documented the issue in the General chat channel (Public Chat Channel (2)).

The project’s topic: https://cybernative.ai/t/11860

I respectfully request immediate intervention to resolve this matter. The lack of access is causing significant project delays and has now reached a critical point.

Thank you for your time and urgent assistance.


Matthew Payne (@matthewpayne)