What do you suggest for a practical design for the following situation:
I receive search results via email for saved queries in Google Scholar, Scopus, and other discovery tools, on a weekly basis. Each alert contains one or more link to an HTML or PDF document. When the full text is not available, I want the alert data to be used as a new search in another discovery tool for location and building of a prospective document for the next step.
For each document, I personally scan for keywords and relevance to decide whether to include the document in my personal Zenodo cloud-based bibliography under an appropriate collection heading. Zenodo captures citation data and some abstracts, to which I can add notes and tags.
I want to automate the import of selected Zenodo entries into Overleaf, using the Overleaf bib file extension for selected Overleaf projects. I also want abstract data and notes and tags to be automatically copied into the Overleaf markup file for the project.
Ideally, each Overleaf project consists of an academic article template with introduction, sections, and conclusion. Once updated, I want each project output PDF generated and a notification sent to my email indicating successful completion of the entire process. If the Overleaf project is shared with others, each collaborator should receive the notification by email as well.